Birmingham Mosquito Pest Control: Identification & Prevention

Understanding Mosquitoes: What You Need to Know
Mosquitoes are very common flying insects found all over the world. There are over 3,500 different mosquito varieties worldwide, and these insects form a building block of the food chain in many ecosystems.
Contrary to popular belief, blood is not the mosquito’s primary food source. Only females bite when they need protein to lay their eggs. Both male and female mosquitoes feed on nectar the rest of the time. That means they’re not only a foundational element of the food chain. They’re also important pollinators.
The Dangers of Mosquitoes: Why You Should Care
Mosquitoes are very dangerous because of the diseases they spread. They’re responsible for the deaths of up to a million people per year, mostly due to malaria. While we don’t have malaria here in the States, we aren’t off the hook either. Mosquitoes still spread many dangerous diseases, including West Nile virus, Zika virus, and multiple forms of viral encephalitis.
Identifying the Source: Why Do You Have a Mosquito Problem?
Most of the time, you wind up with a breeding population of mosquitoes on your property because your property is near standing water or has standing water on it. Mosquitoes need stagnant water to breed because they lay their eggs and hatch their larvae in it. That means the best thing you can do to get rid of mosquitoes is get rid of stagnant water on your property. If you live near a body of stagnant water, you may have to take other measures.
Where to Find Mosquitoes: Understanding Their Habitats
The question may not be where you will find mosquitoes, but when you will find them. Here in Alabama, it’s tough to get far enough away from a body of water to escape mosquitoes, so you’ll pretty much find them everywhere.
However, mosquitoes are most active during the predawn hours right before the sun comes up and the evening hours just after the sun goes down. Mosquitoes may also be active during the daylight hours if you’re in a wooded area with tons of shade, but you will rarely see them in direct sunlight.
Effective Solutions: How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes
As we said above, getting rid of standing water on your property is the best way to avoid a breeding population of mosquitoes. However, there are other measures you can take to decrease mosquito activity even further:
- Plant herbs and flowers mosquitoes hate, like citronella and lemongrass.
- Keep trees trimmed to reduce shade and increase evaporation.
- Trim grass short to minimize hiding spots.
- Get rid of flowers that attract mosquitoes, like water lilies and hyacinths.
Taking these measures can help deter mosquitoes from coming onto your property to breed or feed on you. If you find the above tips do not help reduce mosquito populations on your property, reach out to us for mosquito control services in Birmingham, AL.
Future Prevention: How to Keep Mosquitoes Away
Since mosquitoes can fly and will generally travel as far as they must to get a blood meal, keeping them off your property can feel impossible. The good news is if you’re having trouble preventing or eliminating infestations, help is just a click or call away. Here at EnviroCare, we can help keep your property mosquito-free all summer long with professional mosquito control options. Give us a call or visit our contact page to get started today with home pest control services for your Birmingham home!